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染色助剂 Dyeing Agent

名称 Name 状态 State 离子性 Ionicity 应用特性 Application 参考用量 Reference dosage 包装规格 Packing
超级酸性固色剂 HS-28 Super acidic color fixing agent HS-28 液体 Liquid 阴 Anionic 环保,不变色、不影响日晒牢度,处理后色牢度佳,用于各种酸性染料的固色 Environment-friendly; no color change; no effect on color fastness from sun-shining; excellent color fastness after treatment; used for color fixing of various acidic dyestuffs 2-3%(o.w.f) 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
无甲醛固色剂HS-50Free-formaldehyde color fixing agent HS -50 液体 Liquid 阳 Cation 耐盐、不影响手感,色变小,牢度好,对湿摩擦牢度也有一定提高 Salt resistant; no effect on hand-feeling; less color change; excellent color fastness; also improvement for fastness to wet rubbing; 0.5-2%(o.w.f) 125kg/塑料桶 125kg / Plastic drum
翠兰、艳兰专用固色剂 Special color fixing agent for turquoise blue and bright blue 液体 Liquid 阳 Cation 特别针对翠兰、艳兰两种染料牢度比较差,而开发的专用固色剂 Special color fixing agent especially developed for turquoise blue and bright blue dyestuffs, which are normally poor in terms of the color fastness 1-3%(o.w.f) 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
纳米固色剂 KLDNano color fixing agent KLD 液体 Liquid 阳 Cation 耐盐、不影响手感,色变很小,牢度极好,特别对活性大红,黑色效果特别明显 Salt resistant; no effect on hand-feeling; less color change; excellent color fastness; obvious effect on activated bright red and black colors; 0.5-2%(o.w.f) 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /plastic drum
绢丝固色剂 HS-32Spun silk color fixing agent HS-32 液体 Liquid 阳 Cation 能提高丝线、生丝、绢等用直接、活性或中性染料染色的耐洗、汗渍、水浸等湿处理牢度 Improvement for the color fastness to wetting treatment as washing, perspiration and water immersion of silk threads, raw silk and spun silk etc. dyed by direct, activated or neutral dyestuff; 1-3%(o.w.f) 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
尼龙固色剂 Nylon color fixing agent 液体 Liquid 阴 Anionic 可改善酸性染料染尼龙纤维后的色牢度,用于尼龙与棉、粘胶混纺织物的防染和固色后处理 Effective improvement of the color fastness for nylon fibers dyed by acidic dyestuff; used for post-treatment for color-fixing and contamination-prevention of blended fabrics of nylon, cotton and viscose; 2-3%(o.w.f) 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
染色交链剂HS-267Dyeing cross linker HS-267 液体 Liquid 弱阳 Weak cation 处理后色泽鲜艳、色光稳定、重现性好、适应性好、布面不泛黄、不粘辊、手感柔软、牢度优良 The fabrics will have bright color, stable gloss, excellent applicability after being treated by this agent featuring no yellowing, no sticking on roller, soft hand-feeling and excellent color fastness. 15-30g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
特效无泡皂洗剂HS-266Special-effect no-foaming soaping agent HS-266 液体 Liquid 阴 Anionic 具有无泡、强力分散、螯合皂洗、防二次粘污的效果,用于活性染料染色后的皂洗工序 Special effects featuring no foaming, intensive dispersing, chelating scouring and prevention of secondary sticky contamination; used in the soaping process after dyeing by activated dyestuff; 1-3g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg / Plastic drum
酸性匀染剂 HS-200Acidic leveling agent HS-200 液体 Liquid 非 Non-ionic 延缓染料上色,防止羊毛、尼龙筋斑,良好的匀染性,适用于尼龙、毛用酸性染料染色的匀染剂,用量多时可起剥色及修色作用 Delay the coloring of dyestuff; prevent variegated colors to wools and nylon; excellent dye leveling; used for acidic dyeing for the nylon and wool; effect of color stripping and touch-up when used much; 1-3g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
高温匀染剂HS-202High-temperature leveling agent HS-202 液体 Liquid 阴/非 Anionic /non-ionic 有极佳的高温分散性、缓染性、移染性,适用于涤纶及其混纺的染色 Superb high-temperature dispersing, dyeing retarding and dyeing migration performances; used for dyeing of terylene and blended fabrics; 1-2g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
高温匀染剂 HS-203High-temperature leveling agent HS -203 液体 Liquid 阴 Anionic 低泡,有极佳的高温分散性、缓染性、移染性,适用于涤纶及其混纺织物的染色 Low-foaming; Superb high-temperature dispersing, dyeing retarding and dyeing migration performances; used for dyeing of terylene and blended fabrics; 1-2g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg/ Plastic drum
高温匀染剂 HS-204High-temperature leveling agent HS -204 液体 Liquid 阴 Anionic 适用于涤纶及其混纺织物的高温高压染色,有效防止染料聚集造成色点,泡沫低,色变极小。 Used for high-temperature high-pressure dyeing for terylene and blended fabrics; effective prevention of color point from aggregation of dyestuff; low-foaming, extreme less color change; 1-3% 125kg/塑料桶 125kg / Plastic drum
棉用匀染剂HS-3621Leveling agent for cotton HS-3621 液体 Liquid 阴 Anionic 螯合金属离子软化水质,防止染料凝聚及色相发生变化,有良好的乳化和分散作用,提高染色匀染性 For chelating of metal ions to soften the water; preventing aggregation of dyestuff and color change; excellent emulsification and dispersing effect; improvement of the color leveling; 1-2%(o.w.f) 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
涤纶细旦织物匀染剂HS-3620Leveling agent for terylene fine fabric HS -3620 液体 Liquid 阴/非 Anionic /non-ionic 具有超强的缓染性、优良的高温分散性,消色现象很少,低起泡性 Excellent performance in dyeing retarding; excellent high-temperature dispersion; less color loss, low foaming; 0.5-1.5g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
练染同浴去油剂HS-210Scour-dye one-bath degreaser HS-210 液体 Liquid 阴/非 Anionic / Non-ionic 涤纶及混纺织物同浴练染,去除布面油垢及丝、毛织物的油污,防止染料凝聚,确保染色匀染 Scour-dye one-bath for terylene and blended fabrics for removal of oil stains on the fabrics, silk and wools; preventing aggregation of dyestuffs to ensure leveled dyeing; 1-3g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg/Plastic drum
练染同浴去油剂HS-210AScour-dye one-bath degreaser HS-210A 粉状 Powder 非 Non-ionic 在近中性及弱酸浴中,不仅对去除油垢有特效,同时兼有退浆、增白、防止染料凝聚,是涤纶织物练染同浴工艺的理想助剂 In the bath with PH closed to neutrality and weak acid, the agent not only has special effect for removal of oil stains, but also can help the desizing and whitening effect and prevent aggregation of dyestuff, which is a ideal agent for scour-dye one-bath application of terylene fabrics; 3-5g/l 25kg/袋装 25kg / Bag
酸性除油剂HS-211Acidic degreaser HS-211 液体 Liquid 阴/非 Anionic /non-ionic 在酸性条件下能清除织物的重油污,尤其对清除涤纶及其混纺织物上的油污有特效,且对布的色光影响较小 Effective removal of serious oil stains on the fabrics under acidic conditions, especially effective for removal of the oil stains on the terylene and blended fabrics; less effect on the color gloss of the fabrics 2-3g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
特效去油纱剂212Special degreaser and yarn remover 212 液体 Liquid 阴 Anionic 涤纶及其混纺织物各种顽固油污、细纱的去除 For removal of different oil stains and fine yarns on the terylene and blended fabrics 1-5g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
环保载体 Environmental-friendly carrier 液体 Liquid 阴 Anionic 用作涤纤低温染色载体,有良好的稀释稳定性 Used as low-temperature dyeing carrier for terylene fiber; excellent diluting stability; 1-2g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
缓染剂PANDyeing retarding agent PAN 液体 Liquid 阳 Cation 对腈纶纤维有暂时亲和力.沸染时逐步脱落,以达到匀染效果 Temporary affinity to acrylic fibers; gradual dropping when boiling dyeing to achieve leveled dyeing efficiency; 0.5-2%(o.w.f) 50kg/塑料桶 50kg /Plastic drum
尼龙阻染剂HS-3622Dye-retarding agent for nylon HS-3622 液体 Liquid 阴 Anionic 阻止酸性染料快速上染,防止横条,用于尼龙、羊毛用酸性及1:2型金属络合染料染色 Prevent acidic dyestuff from quick dyeing and avoid horizontal stripes; used for dyeing of the nylon and wools by acidic and 1,2 type metal complexing dyestuff; 2-6%(o.w.f) 125kg/塑料桶 125kg / plastic drum
隔离剂 Separating agent 液体 Liquid 非 Non-ionic 酸性染料和阳离子染料同浴染色,防止沉淀,还可用于真丝预处理和精练工序 One-bath dyeing of acidic dyestuff and cation dyestuff; prevent precipitation, also used for pretreatment and scouring processes of real silk. 2.5-5%(o.w.f) 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
硅油去除剂 Silicon oil remover 液体 Liquid 非 Non-ionic 有出色的乳化和去油能力,对织物的油迹、氨基硅油,轻微硅斑都有明显的去除效果 Superb ability for emulsification and degreasing with obvious efficiency for removal of oil stains, amino silicon oil and slight silicon marks on the fabrics. 1.5-2g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
浴中宝 Anti-creasing lubricating agent 粘稠液体 Viscous liquid 阴 Anionic 用于避免经向条纹、裂纹、擦伤和改善运转性能的工序,无泡、润滑性好 Used for avoiding radial stripes, cracks and scratches and improve the operation performance; no foaming, excellent lubrication; 1-2g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
浴中防皱剂HS-626In-bath anti-creasing agent HS-626 粘稠液体 Viscous liquid 非 Non-ionic 减少织物与织物之间、织物与设备之间的磨擦,防止或减轻鸡爪花折皱条印的产生 Reduce the friction between the fabrics and that between the fabric and equipment; prevent or decrease the chicken-paw folded stripe marks; 1-2g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg/ Plastic drum
浴中柔软剂 In-bath softening agent 液体 Liquid 非 Non-ionic 耐酸、碱、电解质,良好的润滑和柔软性,防止折痕及擦伤 Resistant to acid, caustic and electrolyte; excellent lubricating and softening performance; avoiding fold marks and scratches; 1-2g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg/Plastic drum
有机硅消泡剂HS-89 Organic silicon anti-foaming agent HS-89 粘稠液体 Viscous liquid 非 Non-ionic 既有消泡,又有持久抑泡作用,用于织物染整工序,还可用于涂料和造纸工序 Effect for defoaming and sustainable inhibition of foams; used in fabric finishing process, also may be used in coating and paper-making process; 0.05-0.1g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg / Plastic drum
白地防污剂HS-115White-background  anti-fouling agent HS-115 液体 Liquid 阴 Anionic 分散力强、防止脱落活性染料等染料污染白底,可用于皂洗和印花工序 Strong performance in dispersing; prevent the dropped activated dyestuff etc from contaminating the white ground; may be used in soaping and printing process; 2-3g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
特效白底防沾污剂HS-116Special white-ground anti-fouling agent HS-116 液体 Liquid 阴离子 Anionic HS-116防沾污剂是我公司新一代活性染料印花织物水洗、皂洗中的极为重要的专用洗涤剂,具有防止搭色,保护白地不受再污染的突出功能,从而使白地洁白,印花布更加鲜艳。 HS-116 anti-fouling agent is the most important special detergent for the water washing, soaping of the new-generation activated dyestuff printed fabrics of our company featuring no color overlapping and protection of the white background from being contaminated bringing the white background even white and printed fabric brighter; 3-5g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
酸性皂洗剂HS-268-2Acidic soaping agent HS-268-2 液体 Liquid 阴 Anionic 具有中和和皂洗一浴法功效,从而节省清洗用水量,缩短清洗时间,减少排污量,降低成本 Functions of neutralization and soaping in one bath, which contributes to reduced cleaning water amount, shortened cleaning time, decreased sewage drainage and reduced cost; 1.5-2.5g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg/ Plastic drum
去碱剂HS-269Alkali removing agent HS-269 液体 Liquid 阴 Anionic 无泡、无味、不挥发、对设备腐蚀性小、对织物无损害,中和染色后残余在织物上的碱剂 No foam, no taste, no volatile, less corrosion to the equipment, no damages to the fabrics; used for removing the residual alkali remained on the fabrics after neutralization dyeing process; 2-4g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg/Plastic drum
代用酸HS-230Acid substitute HS-230 液体 Liquid 阴 Anionic 用于氧漂,染色后的中和碱用酸剂,气味小,缓冲性能好,是冰醋酸的替代品,还用于轧车丝光后的残碱中和用酸 Acid used for neutralizing the alkalinity after oxygen bleaching and dyeing featuring less smell and excellent buffering performance, which is a good substitute for glacial acetic acid; also used for neutralization of the residual alkali after mercerizing; 0.5-2g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg/ Plastic drum
湿摩擦牢度增进剂HS-318Fastness to wet rubbing improver HS-318 液体 Liquid 阳 Cation 不含甲醛、不影响色光和手感,湿摩牢度可提高0.5-1级 Free of formaldehyde, no effect on color gloss and hand-feeling; fastness to wet rubbing increased by 0.5 -1 class; 15-30g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg/Plastic drum
湿摩擦牢度增进剂HS-368Fastness to wet rubbing improver HS-368 液体 Liquid 阳 Cation 不含甲醛、不影响色光和手感,特别针对磨毛布和灯芯绒,湿摩牢度可提高1-1.5级,用于活性、硫化、直接染料染色的固色整理 Free of formaldehyde, no effect on color gloss and hand-feeling, the fastness to wet rubbing may be increased by 1-1.5 especially for brushed fabrics and corduroy; used for color-fixing finishing for fabrics dyed by activated, vulcanized and direct dyestuffs; 15-30g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg / Plastic drum
活性碱OSBActive alkali OSB 粉状 Powder 活性染色固色碱可代替纯碱,重染性好,节省成本、环保,降低废液的COD、BOD,用量是纯碱的1/7—1/10,具有和纯碱相接近的色光 The active dyeing color-fixing alkali may be used in place of pure alkali featuring excellent redyeing, reduced cost, environmental protection and reduction of COD and BOD in the drainage sewage; the consumption is only 1/7 -1/10 that of pure alkali and the resulted color gloss is close to that of pure alkali 1.5-4g/l 25kg/袋装 25kg / bag
代碱粉KN Alkali powder substitute KN 粉状 Powder 阴 Anionic 作为活性染料染色固色碱可代替纯碱,用量是纯碱的1/7-1/10,节能、减少废水排放 May be used in place of pure alkali as the color-fixing alkali for dyeing by active dyestuff; consumption is 1/7 -1/10 that of pure alkali; 1.5-4g/l 25kg/袋装 25kg /bag
除固剂HS-238Removing color-fixing agent HS-238 液体 Liquid 阴 Anionic 有效剥除各类阳离子固色剂,防止剥后染色不上色或色花产生 Effective removal of various cation color fixing agents to prevent no dyeing or dyeing defect after stripping 2-3g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg/Plastic drum
修补剂HS-301Mending agent HS-301 液体 Liquid 阴 Anionic 超常的移染性、可以有效解决涤纶及其混纺织物染色后,产生的各种染疵的修复问题,回修后色光变化极小 Superb migration ability; effective repair for different dye defects on the terylene and blended fabrics after dyeing; less color light change after restoration; 1-2g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg /Plastic drum
修补剂HS-302Mending agent HS -302 液体 Liquid 阴 Anionic 是环保型修补剂,具有优异的透染性和分散性,对分散染料有很强的移染能力,在高温高压条件下促使织物上的染料从高浓度处向低浓度处转移,使纤维各处上色均匀,从而达到色花修补的目的。 An environmental friendly mending agent with excellent dyeing penetration and dispersion; high migration ability for dispersed dyestuff; moving the dyestuff on the fabrics from high-concentration to low-concentration under high-temperature and high-pressure conditions to ensure all parts of the fabric are evenly dyed, thus achieve the purpose of amending the dye defects. 1-2g/l 125kg/塑料桶 125kg/ Plastic drum